Nebraska Football Under NCAA Investigation

Scott Frost and the Nebraska Football program are under an NCAA investigation concerning program violations

With less than two weeks before Nebraska football kicks the season off against Illinois, the wrong type of press came for the Cornhuskers.

On Wednesday, Brett McMurphy of Action Network broke the story that head coach Scott Frost and the Nebraksa football program were under an NCAA investigation. Two main violations are reportedly being investigated. First, the improper use of analysts on staff. Then, holding off-season workouts off campus during the pandemic to avoid NCAA Covid-19 restrictions.

All programs have analysts that are used to assist the coaches during practice, game planning, and recruiting. But these analysts are not to have physical instruction or coaching with players. Allegations are that Nebraska had a few analysts work with players during practice sessions, and even hold charge of some units of the team.

If the NCAA has sufficient evidence of violations, and additional reporting indicates they do, Frost could be looking at a suspension of some type. Those same reports indicate that Frost has obtained legal council, and these allegations span back 12 months time.

The real kicker is that new AD Trev Alberts learned of all this after he took the job in July. Seems like important information to disclose when talking about your athletic department.

Clearly this is not a good look for Frost who is entering his fourth year with the program. Thought by many to be the savior of the program when he was hired, his performance on the filed and off has raised doubts about his future at Nebraska.

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Frost is 12-20 overall at his alma mater. No one expected him to come to Lincoln and have the same success he had at UCF immediately. However, the inconsistent play of the team and continued struggles in certain areas has had many ask what’s gone wrong so far.

During Frost’s time as head coach, Nebraska has recruited well but seen young players leave the following off-season. This has been most apparent at the skill positions like receiver, signifying one reason the passing attack has struggled under Frost. The quick exits of young players has led to some questioning the culture Frost has built in Nebraska.

Their have also been moments off the field that have brought embarrassment to the program. Recently is was reported that Nebraska tried to remove Oklahoma from the 2021 schedule in favor of a lesser opponent. Nebraska fans immediately revolted at the report that their school would try to dodge playing a historical rival in OU.

Former AD Bill Moos took a lot of the blame for that leak, but the same report about the violations mentions that Frost was a key proponent of removing OU from the schedule.

Now new AD Trev Alberts may look to remove Frost after the season if the year does not go well. Even if the NCAA lets Nebraska off with a warning, Alberts may use the violations as a way to get out of owing Frost the rest of his money on his five year deal.

This season was already a crucial one for Frost. This report and investigation is a horrible way to start it.